The Jordanian Masarat for Development and progressheld a closed dialogue session with a group of political figures, under the title “Discussion Papers as a Basis for Reform,” to discuss the extent to which the discussion papers can be taken as a basic basis for launching the comprehensive reform process, politically, administratively, economically and socially. Introduction: The stage that Jordan is going through is delicate and numerous are the crises that have surfaced during the last period, and dealing with many crises that appear successively and from time to time requires thinking about new reform steps aimed at addressing existing imbalances that produce such crises, or taking steps forward to reach... A successful democracy that enhances the individual’s participation in the decision-making process and reduces the growing gap of trust between citizens and various institutions. In his message to the Chairman of the Political System Modernization Committee, His Majesty the King referred to the guidance of the Royal Discussion Papers that His Majesty published to the Jordanians over the years, in which he presented his ideas about his vision for many files and issues, and to understand how society, its elites and the general public, view these papers and the effectiveness of the idea of these papers and the content they contain. Ideas as a basis for moving towards the political model and developing it in the next stage. The series of meetings held by His Majesty at the Royal Court over the past weeks paved the way for the start of dialogue about the goals, objectives, starting points and tools of reform, which prompted politicians, partisans, trade unionists and activists to enter a state of new reform movement, by intensifying dialogues aimed at bringing about true comprehensive reform in the Kingdom. The royal and elite movement aims to develop a vision about the state project in the second century of the state’s life, the development of which His Majesty the King believes is an ongoing process, which requires developing visions about what the required deal or recipe is, which will help to overcome this delicate stage in all its manifestations, and contribute in a real way to restoring... Building bridges of trust first, and restoring the citizen second, to be a true partner in the process of construction and modernization, by building a national project for the next centenary, which has become an urgent need in light of the imbalances we are witnessing, and the shortcomings in some important joints, on clear reform and democratic rules, which make way for Citizens and political parties have full and true partnership in the decision-making process. Agreement on the principle is necessary for reform, and agreement on the ultimate goal of reform is even more necessary, as some see it as an urgent need before it is too late to experiment and not implement, in order to prevent the expansion of the existing crisis. On the other hand, there are those who speak from a realistic standpoint, according to their point of view, which believes that it is not permissible to deny the reality that the country is experiencing, and that there are two issues that cannot be talked about any reform in Jordan without resolving them. The first issue is the conservative societal and religious forces and their vision of the state, its future, and preserving the state’s identity, and the second is the Palestinian issue, and this brings us back to equal citizenship, a civil state, and the rule of law. This opinion is confronted with a position that believes that these issues have long been the justification for postponing real, productive reform based on true citizenship and equal opportunities, as there is no conflict between reform and these two files if the general goal is agreed upon. As a serious initial step on the path towards real and comprehensive reform, a royal decree was issued, on Thursday, to form a 92-member Royal Committee to Modernize the Political System, headed by former Prime Minister of Al-Ain, Samir Al-Rifai, and a membership of 92 individuals. His Majesty King Abdullah II sent a message to the Chairman of the Committee in which he specified The tasks required to be accomplished by the committee, His Majesty referring to the discussion papers issued by His Majesty over a period of six years. Looking at the contents of the seven discussion papers launched by His Majesty the King in the years (2012 - 2017) to present his vision for the comprehensive reform process in Jordan in various fields, we find that they clarified the basic goal of reform, and identified the most important tasks that fall on the shoulders of the monarchy and members of the National Assembly, The government, political parties, and citizens, who represent the parties to the political equation entrusted with reform. The discussion papers focused mainly on democratic transformation and reaching parliamentary governments based on parties with effective and applicable programs. The papers also touched on protecting freedom of expression of political opinion, developing the judiciary and education, which contributes to building the prosperous future that Jordan seeks. . The first paper: Our journey towards building renewed democracy. The second paper: Developing our democratic system to serve all Jordanians. The third paper: Roles awaiting us for the success of our renewed democracy. The fourth paper: Towards democratic empowerment and active citizenship. The fifth paper: Deepening the democratic transformation: goals, achievements and political norms. The sixth paper: The rule of law is the basis. The Civil State Seventh Paper: Building our human capabilities and developing the educational process is the essence of the nation’s renaissance. The participants in the session discussed a group of axes that must be resolved first before taking the discussion papers as a basis for various issues related to reform, which are: The first axis: Discussion papers The discussion papers are considered a positive step for adoption. As a basis for launching the reform workshop, but it is not necessarily sufficient for comprehensive reform, as it does not cover the economic and administrative aspects. However, the papers are suitable to be a title for the ultimate goal of the legal and constitutional amendments required to achieve the desired reform. Their importance also lies in the fact that they came from and came from the head of the state. Discussion papers become important; Because it is suitable as a title for the final goal, not because it is ideal, and not because it includes all topics, as the economic topic has not been addressed, neither from near nor from afar, and it is a topic that must be reached, and clarification of whether we want a rentier, productive, or mixed economy. Certainly, the papers contain incomplete mattersBut despite its incompleteness, it remains the document that cannot be criticized, especially by the “status quo forces” movement. There is an opinion that believes that it would be useful for the “Royal Commission” to adopt the discussion papers as a final goal, and then implement it based on the agreed-upon goal and develop the necessary system for that. The discussion papers talked about renewed democracy, strengthening the principle of political pluralism, the practical foundations of the principles of separation and balance between powers, separating them and not one overpowering the other, the successful transition towards partisan parliamentary governments, enhancing popular participation in decision-making, accepting diversity and difference of opinion, and the role of the king in society as a collector. For all components, consolidating the principle of the civil state and the rule of law, ensuring the rights of minorities and equal active citizenship, developing the educational process and developing curricula that open the doors of deep and critical thinking to young people and encourage them to ask questions. On the other hand, there is an opinion that says that reform cannot be started from discussion papers, but rather The process is reversed: “We start with the goal, not the papers,” meaning that the discussion papers are one of the references, but they are not the only ones. They serve as a reference ceiling for reform, but they are titles that need more detail. The papers included beautiful principles, but they are general statements that require further clarification of the concepts. What it includes and an explanation of how to accomplish the repair. This opinion believes that it is unacceptable for the committee to work on modernizing the political system and political work in Jordan with a reference ceiling that is discussion papers. “Papers can be evidence or an indicator or something that can be used for guidance, but let me start with it, because starting is not from the discussion papers.” Rather, it is the goal that we must agree on and define. This goal may or may not be included in the discussion papers.” The discussion papers, although they largely reflect the principles of the mission, are also, in principle, general statements that need details to be achieved and discussed on how to work to achieve the principles contained within them. This is followed by answering many questions, the answers of which are to be seen. The second axis: The Royal Commission The Royal Commission to Modernize the Political System is not a comprehensive reform committee for all aspects in Jordan, but rather His Majesty the King assigned it to amend 3 laws; It is the law on elections, parties, municipalities, and decentralization. It was also allowed to propose some constitutional amendments if necessary, as well as the mechanisms of parliamentary work, so that these amendments relate to the three laws only. Updating the three laws should be preceded by defining the final goal of the amendment and agreeing on it socially, in order to carry out review engineering and determine the steps that will enable the committee to reach the final goal. Therefore, it is necessary to agree on the final goal before embarking on legal amendments, and here the discussion papers become extremely important. The Royal Commission may be described as the last opportunity, which requires the political forces to sit down, agree on the goal that we seek to achieve, and commit to and implement what comes from this committee also as a last opportunity to restore the confidence of Jordanian society, which has lost faith in the concept of reform, and in order for this to be achieved, it is necessary to specify a time frame, since society has not “He is attentive to the promises of reform, and restoring people’s confidence in the Jordanian state and its seriousness towards reform,” is one of the most important points that can be achieved. We also need to devote and strengthen the concept of cumulative construction in the state. We do not have cross-governmental strategies. Every official who comes deletes what was worked on before him and moves forward. Also, administrative and economic reform must proceed at clear steps that are reflected in people’s lives, and all of this is under the umbrella of political reform. Within a time frame that enhances street confidence in most of the process. The third axis: Action plans: The necessity of societal consensus on the ultimate goal of reform, which makes the reform process easy, and the necessity of agreeing on the general principles, standards and constants of coexistence within Jordanian society, and how the forces of society share power, influence and resources in a fair manner that guarantees the different groups their basic rights in order to Repair and update. Following agreement on the final goal is the state’s commitment to implementing the goals and translating them into action plans, which is what His Majesty the King pledged through a letter to the head of the committee that he would guarantee that the government would take the committee’s recommendations without any infringement or interference. Jordan has spent 30 years talking about reform without doing so. It takes a step forward in this regard,” which requires determining the period necessary to implement the reform and achieve the desired goal. As if it extends from 10 to 15 years to achieve the final goal. The final ruling on the Royal Commission will lie in evaluating its outcomes to modernize the political system, and the necessity of setting a timetable for work, and informing citizens of it, even if it extends for many years, as having a time plan and performance standards, linking the plan to the budget and starting to implement it is the only way to regain citizen confidence in the official. . The fate of the committee’s outputs and the extent of commitment to them. This will lead, as a result, to reducing the trust gap between the people and state institutions, which cannot be ignored. Bridging this gap requires committee members to come up with recommendations, translate them into scheduled plans, and immediately begin implementing them. While other participants saw that drawing plans and preparing timetables for their implementation are traditional steps that are far from Modernity and modernization directed by His Majesty the King. On the other hand, there are those who suggest that thinking about time planning for some procedural issues is possible, but time plans and performance standards have become a reason for citizens to resent everything related to time and performance standards. Fourth axis: Definition of roles: The necessity of redefining roles and tasks and applying true separation between different institutions in a manner consistent with the vision of His Majesty the King, and the constitution, which completely clarifies the nature of the roles entrusted to each authority and institution, and the importance of separating them is consistent with the constitution first and the principle of the state of law and institutions second, and so as not to hinder... The repair process is as before, It is important to agree socially on the boundaries of the distribution of roles, and they should be identified and defined. To translate the practical controls of the principles of separation and balance of powers into reality. This means that one authority does not dominate another, that there is no executive authority stronger than the legislative authority, or stronger than the judicial authority, if we agree on the goal, and this is what was stated in detail in the third discussion paper that talked about the roles required in our renewed democracy. The fifth axis: Societal reform The real challenge lies in how to work on reform, how to create consensus, establish the principle of accepting other opinions among Jordanians with their various orientations, and impose this popular culture. Therefore, although the discussion papers provide an important vision about the rule of law and active citizenship, they need more details in this aspect about achieving this societal culture, by restoring the system of these values, because without them it is not possible to carry out societal reform, and the basis of this is educational curricula and modernizing them in a way that It promotes acceptance of others, and focuses on belonging to the homeland, with the importance of having a will to enforce the law fairly for everyone to restore the prestige of the state. Because reform is not limited to the political axis only, but it should be economic, administrative and social, and therefore social reform and restoring the system of values ensures the restoration of the people and dissipation of the current state of alienation, which is reflected in popular reactions in various crises, and shows at the same time the state of anger and latent frustration among the people. . The former Deputy Prime Minister, Dr. Marwan Al-Muasher, the former Minister of Municipal Affairs, Engineer Walid Al-Masry, the Director of the Center for Strategic Studies at the University of Jordan, Dr. Zaid Ayadat, the former MP, Qais Al-Zayadin, the former Minister of State for Information Affairs, Jumana Ghunaimat, and moderated the session. Dialogue: Former MP, Professor Wafaa Bani Mustafa. It is noteworthy that “Jordanian Pathways for Development and Development” is a non-profit civil society organization, founded in 2021, and specializes in issues of enhancing women’s presence in the public space and empowering them politically and economically, supporting and stimulating youth participation in political and development work, and developing and strengthening the capabilities of the media to keep up with Developments to be a tool for control and a way to achieve sustainable development and democracy. “Masarat” focuses on conducting studies and research related to the Jordanian scene as a whole, as well as conducting analytical readings of interest to decision-makers in various aspects of life, in addition to conducting analytical studies of the political and media scene and their content.